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Whitewashed Wood

About Us

LABRAGIRLS is a small hobby breeder of AKC registered, purebred  Labrador Retrievers, raised to be a loving addition to your family. With over 25 years of breeding, owning, adopting, and training Labs, we wholeheartedly believe it to be the best breed of dog in the world. Living along the beautiful Gulf Coast in Panama City Beach, FL (the best beaches in the world!) .....

So come to the beach - and take home a new member of the family!

About Us
Puppies for Sale

Puppies for Sale

Socialization and Early Manners are a very important part of what we provide to our puppies. They will go home with beginning "no biting" and potty training, plus socialization around other dogs, cats, people, and kids. They will also have 1st experiences in swimming in the pool, car rides, and lots of handling for things such as nail clipping, deworming medicines, and cuddles.

Meet the Labs

Meet the Labs

Our Health Guarantee

We are a hobby breeder of AKC Ltd. Registration, purebred Labrador Retrievers, bred and raised for companions and family pets. All of our dogs, including new puppies, are loved and raised as pets first in our home.  That is why we have a No Shelter Policy with our puppy buyers.  By purchasing a Labragirls puppy, you agree to return the pup/dog to the breeder if you find yourself unable to keep and provide proper nutrition and health care for the pup/dog.  We understand that unforeseen things can change in your life, but at no time will taking the pup/dog to the shelter be an option, should you find yourself in this position.  Just contact Labragirls and arrange for a drop-off or pick-up of the pet before it effects their health.

Labragirl puppies go home with a Beach Bag of starter Iams puppy food, NuVet vitamin samples, momma blanket, treats, toy, and health records.

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